When you go to funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA, you might be curious about what is headstones and what is its purpose. You might have heard or read the term but are confused about what it is specifically. This article will help you know more about headstones.
What are headstones? First, let us know the definition of headstones. Commonly, headstones are stones that are used as a marker and are placed in a person’s grave. People usually use this as a sign on their deceased loved one’s grave. Traditionally, headstones contain the dead person’s name, date of birth, and date of death. Some families may also print a prayer, personal message, or a quote. Nowadays, with the advent of technology, headstones may even have a photo of the deceased person. For some reason, the gravestones also serve as a remembrance for the dead person.
The first type is upright. This is the most used design for headstones. It is placed permanently in one concrete base. On the slab of stone, you can write the deceased loved one’s name, date of birth and death, and your desired dedication for them or attach a picture.
Second is the slant headstones. This type of headstone is similar to upright headstones but is different only because slant headstones can be directly placed in the foundation without a base. Slant headstones are upright that it has top finishes. The form slant headstones is slanted in front and vertical in the back. With this, a base may not be necessary to build them sturdy. Nevertheless, if you have enough budget, having a base is better.
The third type of headstone is the flat headstone. This is also one of the most common headstones. This type of headstone is placed at the head of the gravesite. Flat headstones are level with the ground. This can be written with stunning prints or engravings.
The fourth type of headstone is a bench headstone. This is a good alternative to a traditional headstone. There are a variety of designs your family can choose from. As you may know, bench headstones are not just beautiful but also realistic. Your family can place the bench headstone in the deceased person’s graveyard. Still, you can also give the bench headstone to where you want, any place memorable to your deceased loved one, or any facility to honor your loved one. Bench headstones are traditionally used to mark a grave in a cemetery but can also be used in public areas. As mentioned, bench headstones are realistic and practical since they can be used as a place to sit with people and enjoy the surroundings.
The fifth type is wing headstones. If you want to integrate an angel design into your deceased loved one’s headstone, you may do so by choosing the wings headstone. Wings headstones are meaningful and comforting to look at in a memorial.
Those are some of the things you need to know about headstones. If you are planning to get one, you can always go to funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA. They will help you choose the best headstone for your deceased loved ones.