When you start making the necessary arrangements after a loved one has passed away, you will have to choose if you want to have the person cremated or buried. If cremation is what you would prefer, you may also need to decide on the best urn. This can mean different things to different people can depend on the budget you have and on what you prefer to use the urn for. To make certain that you find the right one, providers of cremation services in Laguna Niguel, CA have some tips that can help.
You should decide on the kind of use that you intend for the urn. If you want to just transport the remains to their resting place, the urn you choose will be different than if you want one to display. You can choose from display urns, transportation urns, keepsake urns, and many others. By knowing what you want to use the urn for, you can start narrowing choices down.
You need to consider the kind of budget that you have available for this purchase. Urns that are made to be displayed tend to be more expensive because they are made with materials that are longer-lasting. By taking some time to see what the average costs are for the options that you are considering, you will be able to find the right options for loved one’s remains.
The materials that the urn is made of will also have an impact on the price and on the use that you can expect from the urn. You have to remember that if you are looking for an urn for a water burial, you have to choose one made of biodegradable materials. This can mean purchasing an urn made of salt, seaweed, clay, and other materials that will break down in the water. For display urns, you have to consider materials that are sturdy but that are also beautiful, so be sure to ask the provider for suggestions.
When cremation urns are chosen, it is important to consider the personality of the deceased as well as the preferences of the family. Here are some ideas to get you started:
– A religious urn for those who were very devout in their faith. This could be a simple cross or other symbol on a basic urn, or a more elaborate design with religious figures or symbols.
– An outdoor urn for those who loved nature or spending time outdoors. This could be an urn made from natural materials like stone or wood, or it could feature outdoor scenes or wildlife.
– A sports urn for someone who was passionate about their favorite team or sport. This could be an urn in team colors with a logo or other design, or it could be more general with sports memorabilia like a baseball or golf ball.
– A hobby urn for someone who loved a particular activity. This could be an urn related to their hobby, like a fishing urn for someone who loved fishing, or it could be a more general urn with a design that reflects their interests.
– A personalized urn that includes elements that reflect the person’s individual personality. This could be an urn with their favorite color, animal, or flower, or it could be engraved with their name and dates.
You will also want to know about the different size options that you have available. Many people do not realize that not all urns are the same size. If your loved one was someone who weighed more than two hundred pounds, you will need to purchase a larger urn to accommodate the remains. There are also urns made for infants and others that can hold the cremated remains of two people.
Keeping all of this in mind, you can be certain that the urn you choose will be one that honors your loved one. You should take time to make this decision and you should not run into the process. If you want to learn more about urns and how to best purchase one, you should turn to Laguna Niguel, CA cremation service providers like us at O’Connor Mortuary. We are ready to help you find the options you need. Stop by our location today or give us a call right now for more information on urns.