funeral homes Laguna Woods CA

November 21, 2022
funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA

What Are the Things to Know About Headstones?

When you go to funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA, you might be curious about what is headstones and what is its purpose. You might have heard or read the term but are confused about what it is specifically. This article will help you know more about headstones. What are headstones? First, let us know the definition of headstones. Commonly, headstones are stones that are used as a marker and are placed in a person’s grave. People usually use this as a sign on their deceased loved one’s grave. Traditionally, headstones contain the dead person’s name, date of birth, and date of […]
October 3, 2022
funeral home in Laguna Woods, CA

Funeral Service and What Happens During a Funeral Service

When you want to have a funeral service in the funeral home in Laguna Woods, CA you might want to know what funeral service all is about and what things you need to consider before getting it. What is a funeral service? First, let us talk about what a funeral is. A funeral is a ceremony to memorialize, celebrate, and honor a deceased person. On the other hand, a funeral service is organized by a licensed funeral director in a licensed funeral service company. This ritual is performed with a deceased dead body before the final disposition. The funeral service […]
August 15, 2022
funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA

Benefits of Direct Burial

One option that not many people are aware of is direct burial. This is a type of burial that is not as elaborate as a traditional burial, which can also mean it is not as expensive. If you like to offer a burial to a loved one who has died but are not sure about the best choice, you want to consider this option. Here are some things directors of funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA want you to know. It is important to know the differences between direct burial and traditional burial. A direct burial does not use embalming […]