Seeing anyone you love struggling with a death s something that can leave people feeling helpless. It is not easy to know what to do to offer them the support they need. If this is something that you are worried about, there are some things that you can do to ensure that your loved one gets the assistance they need. Directors of funeral homes in Laguna Niguel, CA have some suggestions that can make a difference.
One of the first things that you need to remember is that your loved one needs to know that you are there to listen to them if they need it. Let them know that they can reach out to you at any moment if they need to talk to someone, but be sure not to push them into speaking with you if they are not ready yet. If the person does let you know what they are going through, be sure to also listen actively and try not to interject your own experiences with loss unless the person asks for it.
A person who is grieving may not have the energy or the desire to cook for themselves or their family. This can mean turning to fast food options and other things that are not nutritious. To help, you can provide them with platters of food that are easy to heat up. This may not seem like a big deal, but it can actually help a lot to ensure the person stays healthy.
You may see the person who is grieving going through mood swings. There are lots of stages of grief and ensuring that your loved one can express themselves as they need to is essential. Do not get frustrated as they come to terms with the death but allow them to express themselves as they need to as long as they are not hurting themselves or anyone else.
You should offer concrete help for someone who is grieving. This can mean offering to run errands that you know they need or perhaps even helping with funerary arrangements. By offering specific assistance, your loved one is more likely to take you up on it, so do not hesitate to offer it.
All of these things can make it easier for your loved one to get through the worst of the grief. What they most need is support and to know that there is someone there who can provide it. Allow them to express themselves and tell you what they are going through, but do not push them to share if they are not ready. You will also want to reach out to them and let them know that you are there to help them with errands or anything else they may need. You can learn more about all of this by reaching out to a Laguna Niguel, CA funeral home like us at O’Connor Mortuary. We are here to help you assist a loved one struggling with grief. You can reach out to us by visiting our location or by giving us a call right now.