When you want to have a funeral service in the funeral home in Laguna Woods, CA you might want to know what funeral service all is about and what things you need to consider before getting it.
First, let us talk about what a funeral is. A funeral is a ceremony to memorialize, celebrate, and honor a deceased person.
On the other hand, a funeral service is organized by a licensed funeral director in a licensed funeral service company. This ritual is performed with a deceased dead body before the final disposition. The funeral service requires using the funeral service company’s employees, facilities, and resources. This also includes embalming and transportation. Getting a funeral service will help the grieving family from the tiresome duties and activities during the funeral of their loved ones since the funeral service company will handle the duties and responsibilities related to the funeral in a more organized, time-efficient, flexible, and best way possible for the family.
First, you are going to have the visitation or wake period. At this time, your other family members, relatives, friends, or guests can come to give their respects to the deceased person. The dead body will usually be displayed in a casket and the visitation day typically happens a day before the funeral ceremony.
On a funeral day, your deceased loved one will be transported using the funeral vehicle from the funeral home or your family’s home to the funeral service. It will be followed by a procession of cars or any vehicle with the deceased person’s family, relatives, and friends. Customarily, during the funeral service, the close family members, relatives, or friends sit in the front row near the casket of the loved one. The ceremony will usually take 30 minutes to 1 hour and will be conducted by a clergy member. There will be funeral music during this part, eulogies about the deceased loved one, prayer, and religious readings. After this may be the committal service in which your loved one will be buried or cremated, and it may be done in a different location. The last part will be the reception. This is the closing stage of a funeral. The funeral guests may be invited to the home of a family member, or the deceased loved one or to a room in a funeral home for snacks, drinks, or talks.
Furthermore, a funeral service will help the members of the grieving family, relatives, and friends together to support each other during a difficult time. It will help them bring and give comfort to one another.
If you are interested in planning arrangements for funeral services, it would be best to visit the funeral homes in Laguna Woods, CA. You may want to plan and have your loved ones with the best funeral service in town. If you have questions, you can always go to them; their funeral professionals will always be ready to assist and enlighten you.